A Book Review of The Classroom Mystery; a book about ADHD.
ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed Behavior Disorder in children under 18 years of age. It is also the most over-diagnosed disorder, as many disorders of childhood present with similar symptoms. Hyperactivity, distractibility and impulsiveness can be present in many other disorders including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Autism and budding Bipolar Disorder. Therefore, it is important to obtain an evaluation by a mental health professional who explores the child's developmental and family history. The professional should also obtain detailed feedback from parents and teachers, along with doing careful observations of the child. Despite the complications of diagnosis, ADHD is real and creates much difficulty for the child at home, in the classroom, and often, in the community. ADHD frequently overlaps with other disorders including Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Sensory Processing Disorders, Anxiety and Conduct Disorder. This is another reason it is difficult to diagnose as there are often multiple things going on. One of the most common side effects with children with ADHD that I have noticed in my practice, is the repeated negativity they receive in all settings. Their behaviors can be very trying on adult caregivers and teachers which often leads to significant negative feedback. They often become scapegoated by their peers and are often in trouble. This leads to poor self-esteem in addition to all of the other issues. This book goes a long way in helping that issue as it celebrates the positive attributes of children with ADHD. Izzy, the main character, presents with many problems in the classroom, including getting hyper-focused on a thought, difficulty focusing on the current discussion, an inability to sit still, making distracting noises such as tapping foot, drumming fingers, snapping her hair clip, humming, etc. She also climbs on her desk and while doing so, all of her books crash to the floor disrupting the whole class. Many parents and teachers can relate to observing these behaviors! However, there was a problem in the classroom with the pet rabbit's food disappearing and this is what Izzy cannot get off her mind. Due to her good problem solving skills, a very strong working memory, and a particularly strong interest in the missing food, Izzy is able to be a leader with problem solving and presents as the classroom hero as she is able to solve the mystery of the rabbit food thief! Her great memory and problem solving skills are her SUPERPOWERS. This is an excellent book for kids with ADHD to read to gain awareness of their ADHD issues. The main takeaway from the book is to point out that ADHD kids, like all kids, have many strengths and can contribute a great deal of positive to the world around them. These strengths need to be acknowledged and highlighted. Dr. Alloway offers a Note to Parents/Teachers at the end of the book providing much information on ADHD. She also provides Discussion Points for the reader to help kids increase their comprehension and personal awareness. The Classroom Mystery; a book about ADHD is part of the Superpowers Series celebrating positive traits associated with common Special Educational Needs. All of the books in this series are printed in "dyslexia-friendly fonts" to make it easier for children with learning disabilities to read. Three other books in this series are being released soon by this author. Check out her website at https://tracyalloway.com! For more information on ADHD, a great resource to refer to is http://www.chadd.com. Activity Idea for The Classroom MysteryAfter reading the book, why not have kids identify their own SUPERPOWERS?! Making a SUPERHERO PUPPET would make this exercise especially fun! This activity can be beneficial for all children, not only children diagnosed with ADHD. Materials needed: paper bag mask template white cardstock construction paper or cardstock-various colors crayons/markers black marker scissors glue
I wrote the poem below for the Fall Frenzy Writing Contest and decided to share as I was hoping it might touch the hearts of other parents. I was inspired to write this poem by the image below. It is about separation between parent and child. A universal process that I feel is both the most beautiful and most painful part of parenting. It begins as the child starts to walk and move away from the parent and continues through young adulthood and beyond. Sometimes, as parents, we lose sight of the fact that separation and individuation are the goal of parenting. Luckily, we can count on those kids for continual, sometimes unpleasant, reminders! BIG THANKS to Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez and Lydia Lukidis for organizing this amazing contest for the kid lit community. Special thanks to all of the generous donors for contributing their time, expertise and books to this fun Fall event! ![]() Child of Mine
By Vasilia Graboski Child of Mine I am your strength. I am your foundation; your roots. You will grow. You will change. You will become yourself; Flowing and fluttering in your own way. Becoming you. A Beautiful soul. Life will change you in many ways. Sometimes it may feel harsh. Life’s events may take pieces of you; Make holes that you don’t desire. Make you ragged in shape. But you will still be you. Beautiful you. Over time, you will separate from me; Slowly move away. I will no longer be able to protect you With my cover. You will fly on your own. But, pieces of me will be inside of you for always; to help guide your way. Never forget where you came from; the love and caring deep inside you. Your foundation is strong. It will flutter and flow with you Wherever you may land. Child of Mine Let the wind take you Where you are destined to go. Wander, explore, evolve, I will always be there; The foundation inside you. Oh, child of mine, I don’t want you to go. But you must. Now is your time. Flutter, drift, glide, swirl, tumble, roll, emerge and Soar through this great world. Join me in registering for this exciting event! Brian Gehrlein of Picture Book Spotlight has generously put together the amazing Picture Book Critique Fest 2019. There is a chance to win a critique from one of thirty-six published authors, author/illustrators or agents. Don't pass up your chance to participate. Check this out today! Click on the link below for detailed info.
https://www.pbspotlight.com/single-post/2019/09/24/Picture-Book-Critique-Fest |
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